

Situational Words and Phrases 情景詞彙
1.appreciate v. 感激,欣賞
A: I'd appreciate it if you could loan the fifty.
B: Well, I'd like to say yes, but you know, bucks. I'm broke myself.
2.chance n. 機會
A: Is there any chance of having a word with you?
B: Ok, but please make it quick.
3.count on 依靠,依賴
A: Can I count an your help?
B: Sure.
4.favor n. 恩惠
A: Excuse me, sir, but may I ask a favor of you?
B: Sure, if I can. What is it?
5.give sb. a hand 幫助某人
A: This is the last favor I need to ask of you. Could you give me a hand?
B: Go ahead.
6.give sb. a hard time 讓某人難堪
A: Please, don't give me a hard time.
B: Wellas long as you keep your promise. That's the best I can do.
7.honor n. 榮譽,榮幸
A: May I have the honor of speaking with you?
B: Um... it depends.
8.if you please
A: Be a dear and fix it, if you please.
B: All right.
9.oblige v. 施恩惠於
A: Can you oblige me with a little blue ink?
B: I'm sorry, but I don't have any myself.
10.obliged a. 感激的
A: I would be much obliged if you could help me out.
B: Then how about a detailed talk at 2 o'clock this afternoon? I'll give you a feedback then.
11.regard v. 認為,把……看作
A: I'll regard it as a favor if you could help me sort it out.
B: I'll be delighted to.
12.spare v. 出讓,讓給
A: Could you spare some matches, please?
B: Sure. Here you are.

